How to Suspend Certificates

Certificate Suspension Workflow

For suspension services, the end date is required in the payload request body.

Step 1: Initiate Certificate Suspension

  • Request method: POST

  • Request URL: {{baseUrl}}/vc-certification/v1/certificate/revoke

Request Body

    "certificateId": "614894628867",
    "entityName": "HealthProfessional_1",
    "endDate": "2023-12-31T05:03:01.749Z" 

Response Json

    "message": "Certificate Revoked",
    "certificateRevokeResponse": {
        "id": "sunbird-rc.registry.create",
        "ver": "1.0",
        "ets": 1674746120028,
        "params": {
            "resmsgid": "",
            "msgid": "5006f959-7251-4694-9138-566bc0b6a873",
            "err": "",
            "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
            "errmsg": ""
        "responseCode": "OK",
        "result": {
            "RevokedVC": {
                "osid": "1-039d8e4f-5014-4cb3-9a17-ede4c45877cd"

Step 2: Verify the Suspended Certificate

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Last updated