Issuing COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates in the Philippines


The Philippines went live with DIVOC in September 2021. DIVOC was integrated with the country’s vaccine-related information system (VIMS).

Under the guidance of the Department of Health, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) along with SGV (EY) Philippines has implemented DIVOC in the country.

Platform release version


Features and services

Certificate generation: DIVOC provides the latest COVID-19 certificate on demand for any Philippines citizen.

Certificate verification: Using DIVOC’s reference code, DICT along with SGV has built the verification service.

Downloading certificates: DIVOC’s certificate generation service has enabled a “fetch certify” service that can be used to download certificates. Updating certificates: This feature is also used in the Philippines.

Standards used

  • All COVID-19 certificates issued in the Philippines are compliant with the WHO-Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates (DDCC) data specification.

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Last updated