What information is included in the DIVOC certificate?

DIVOC’s W3C-based digital certificate consists of three core components:

  1. Credential metadata (schema version credential/certificate ID, etc).

  2. Claim (vaccination event details).

  3. Proof (issuer details, date of issue, time stamp, signature, etc).

Data structure

The DIVOC digital certificate QR code includes the following data structure:

Basic components
Information sections
  1. Credential metadata

Certificate context

Sets the context, which establishes the special terms.

Certificate identifier

Specifies the identifier for the credential.

Credential type

Declares what data to expect in the credential.

2. Claim

Credential subject

Assertion about the subjects of the credentials.

Event block

When the credential was issued.

Issuer details

The entity that issued the credential.

3. Proof

Signature type

Digital proof that makes the credential tamper-evident. Cryptographic signature suite that was used to generate the signature.

Date of signature

When the signature was created.

Digital signature value

Identifier of the public key

That can verify the signature.

Sample certificate payload

To illustrate the data structure of DIVOC certificate outputs, a sample certificate payload is outlined below:

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