Issuing COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka went live with DIVOC in July 2021. DIVOC has been integrated with an existing platform in Sri Lanka - the District Health Information Software (DHIS2) - to generate COVID-19 certificates for its citizens. DIVOC has also set up a portal to verify these certificates.
Sri Lanka’s Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) in collaboration with the Department of Health (DOH) has implemented DIVOC. The integration of DIVOC with DHIS2 was a collaborative effort by HISP Sri Lanka (local DHIS2 partner) and the ICTA.
We will give you an overview of the different features and services of DIVOC that have been implemented in Sri Lanka and the standard used.
Platform release version
1.23.3 - generic. We are in the process of upgrading it to version 2.0.
Features and services
Certificate generation: DIVOC provides the latest COVID-19 certificate on demand for any Sri Lankan citizen, mostly those who are traveling abroad so that they can confirm their vaccination status. So far, 3,68,490 certificates have been generated on demand. DIVOC supports the generation of multi-lingual certificates in Sri Lanka.
Certificate verification: The verification portal can be used to verify the QR code-based certificates after they are generated by the system.
Updating certificates: Any mistakes or changes in the certificate (dose 1, 2, 3) are done through this service when a citizen requests it.
Revoking certificates: This service will be provided to Sri Lanka after we upgrade the platform to version 2.0.
Standards used
All COVID-19 certificates issued in Sri Lanka are compliant with the WHO-Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates (DDCC) data specification.
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Last updated