Payload Changes in the QR Code

  • DIVOC certificates are natively digital, verifiable, digitally signed, and also printable with a secure and tamper-proof QR code.

  • The QR payload structure is based on the W3C verifiable credentials data model.

  • Previously, any changes in the QR payload required changing it in the certificate-signer service and subsequent deployment.

  • With DIVOC 2.0, QR payload changes can now be made by changing it in etcd without any deployments.

  • Currently, only the optional fields that already exist can be removed. New fields cannot be added as of now.

  • Note: Do not remove the mandatory fields.

Steps to remove an optional field:

  • Go to DDCC_TEMPLATE. Click on the Edit key if you want to remove an optional field.

  • Click on Save. A popup will appear as “operation successful.” Click on Close.

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Last updated