How to Fetch Certificates

Certificate API

The DIVOC certificate distribution service provides a ‘Get’ API so that certificates can be downloaded or printed for specific events. For fetching the right certificate, the get service requires a “pre-enrolment code,” and the latest certificate is fetched.


  • URL: vc-certification/v1/certificate//

  • Request Method: POST

  • Headers:

- Content-Type application/json Accept application/json

- Authorisation bearer <access-token>

Get Certificate Workflow

Steps: Get Certificate (Download)

  • Request Method: GET

  • Request URL: {{baseUrl}}/vc-certification/v1/certificate/entityType/certificateId

  • SampleUrl:{{baseUrl}}/vccertification/v1/certificate/HealthProfessional_1/614894628867

  • Headers: Key:template-key, Value: html

  • Key: Accept,Value:application/pdf

Response Certificate

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